Friday, August 7, 2009

Caring n Sharing Charity night

caring n sharing charity night
SJKC Khai Chee

i attend wif my family.

although me nt khai chee student

bt my father ,my cousin all study there.


it seat so expensive lo

1 seat $500

because gt 首相夫人

tat night perform by 爱心合唱团

all member is aunty n uncle d

bt also nice la

n the most surprise

首相夫人 gt sing chinese song ler.

nt bad too.

n she also gt solo wif another chinese song

those rich ppl also donate more money to SJKC Khai Chee

it boring to me

until 11.30pm finish

arrive home is 12am

fast go sleep ^^

1 comment:

  1. h0! h0!
    g0t bl0g don't tell me la..
    naughty ar..
    huai dan!
    bit you! bit you!
